LV - logical volume
LV stands for logical volume
Here you will find, what does LV stand for in Government under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate logical volume? logical volume can be abbreviated as LV What does LV stand for? LV stands for logical volume. What does logical volume mean?logical volume is an expansion of LV
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Alternative definitions of LV
View 82 other definitions of LV on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- LV launch vehicle
- LVAD low velocity air drop
- LVCD least voltage coincidence detection
- LVCM launch vehicle cost model
- LVDE large volume data exchange
- LVDT linear variable differential transformer
- LVHV low volume high velocity
- LVM logical volume management
- LVOSS Light Vehicle Obstruction Smoke System
- LVP low voltage protection
- LVPA lease versus purchase analysis
- LVS Logistics Vehicle System
- LVT landing vehicle, tracked
- LVTE-l landing vehicle, tracked, engineer, model 1
- LVTP landing vehicle, track, personnel
- LW lazy write